Johor Tourism, Trade and Consumerism executive council member Datuk Tee Siew Keong said Johor will benefit with the visa-free entry imposed on China tourists to Malaysia as Johor tourism products are well known among Chinese nationals. (File pix)
Johor Tourism, Trade and Consumerism executive council member Datuk Tee Siew Keong said Johor will benefit with the visa-free entry imposed on China tourists to Malaysia as Johor tourism products are well known among Chinese nationals. (File pix)

JOHOR BARU: The visa waiver for China tourists will boost tourism in the country especially in the Southern Region.

Johor Tourism, Trade and Consumerism executive council member Datuk Tee Siew Keong said Johor will benefit with the visa-free entry imposed on China tourists to Malaysia as Johor tourism products are well known among Chinese nationals.

"We have been engaging tourism promotions with China in the past and with the waiving of the entry visa, it will certainly help the tourism industry in the state," he said.

He added the free-visa entry makes it more feasible for China tourists to visit Malaysia as prior to this their favourite tourism destinations would be Indonesia and Thailand as those countries offered visa-free entry.

He hoped all Johorean in the tourism industry would take the opportunity to provide better facilities, services and boost hospitality to attract China tourists who are keen to visit the state.

"It is vital that we understand that tourism contributes to the nation's economic growth and being a region with a myriad of tourism products, we can better promote Malaysia in the global arena," he said.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak during the recalibration of the 2016 budget had said that tourists from China are not required a visa to visit Malaysia commencing from March 1 to December 31, 2016, subject to specific conditions for a period of stay not exceeding 15 days.