Any problem can be solved if there is a spirit of consensus, which is the principle of Barisan Nasional, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Pix by EDMUND SAMUNTING
Any problem can be solved if there is a spirit of consensus, which is the principle of Barisan Nasional, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Pix by EDMUND SAMUNTING

KOTA KINABALU: Any problem can be solved if there is a spirit of consensus, which is the principle of Barisan Nasional, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

He said if this and fairness is practised at all levels in division, state or national, then the coalition would be as strong as World Cup finalists Germany and Argentina.

"This include equality in channeling funds or projects distribution.

"Close cooperation between state and federal governments is also vital.

"In this case, I have no doubt that Sabah will prosper under BN leadership due to Sabah and central government's close ties," he said in the breaking of fast with the people held here.

In relation with that, he said allocations channeled to Sabah via Federal Ministries and agencies coupled with operational and development expenditure are actually three times more than the 20 percent oil royalty the opposition has been harping on.

"The federal government remained committed in ensuring Sabah benefits from the oil and gas industry here, and we are seeking a workable solution to the oil royalty issue," he stressed.

Najib also announced that they will be placing a Malaysian International Shipping Corporation (MISC) vessel at Sabah waters near the Phillipines border in the nearest time, to act as mothership for security forces to place their speedboats.

This way if there is any future kidnapping attempts, the security personnel could intercept the culprits before they get to the Phillipines waters.