Since suffering a stroke in 2019, veteran artiste Dharma Harun Al-Rashid, 68, is no longer able to work and support his two children. (NSTP/MOHAMAD SHAHRIL BADRI SAALI)
Since suffering a stroke in 2019, veteran artiste Dharma Harun Al-Rashid, 68, is no longer able to work and support his two children. (NSTP/MOHAMAD SHAHRIL BADRI SAALI)

KUALA LUMPUR: Popular star of the 1980s, Dharma Harun Al-Rashid, 68, admitted that he's at a loss on how to overcome his unfortunate financial situation.

Since suffering a stroke in 2019, everything changed when this veteran star was no longer able to work and support his two children, Siti Qurratu Aini, 36, and Muhammad Al Syafiq Mohamad Azman, 35.

Dharma claims that the family will soon be evicted from their residence in Wangsa Maju, here due to his failure to pay several months of rent arrears and he is at a loss on how to find a solution.

"Frankly speaking, I just need some money. Let's say someone donates about RM10,000 and I would have no problem after that.

"I'm only asking for RM10,000 and it will be used to pay the house rent. For the rest, I know what needs to be done, that's all I'm asking for.

"Honestly, I still have the strength to work but right now there are no acting offers.

"Although I know that social media platforms can bring income and many have done it, but so far I have not gone in that direction yet.

"I didn't think this would happen to me and my son. If possible, we don't want to beg from anyone.

"This is the first time in my life something like this has happened," he said in a news report today.

Dharma received a donation from Karyawan president Datuk Freddie Fernandez at his home in Wangsa Maju last Saturday.

The actor, who made his big screen debut in the film Adik Manja in 1980, admitted that it never crossed his mind to be tested in this situation after he was old.

"I didn't know this day would come as I've been acting in various films before this. I feel ashamed to talk about this situation now because I was not like this before.

"What I need right now is a source of income or a job to cover my daily expenses.

"I have seen how other elderly actors are facing difficulties, so, I try to avoid getting the same fate, but God is more powerful.

"No matter what I plan, it's all by God's will. Maybe this is a test for us as a family," he said.

Dharma said that life was also more challenging as he is still experiencing some side effects after having a stroke, such as difficulty in speaking and remembering things in addition to having asthma.

"I had to spend money to cover the cost of medicines and do exercises to strengthen my memory as recommended by the doctor.

"So, that's one of the difficulties for me and the children because we don't have a fixed income," he said.