SEATTLE: Microsoft Corp chief executive officer Satya Nadella deferred any comment on widely expected job cuts at the software company on Thursday, after circulating a memo to employees promising to “flatten the organisation and develop leaner business processes”.

Nadella said he will address detailed organisational and financial issues for the company’s new financial year, which started at the beginning of this month, when Microsoft reports quarterly earnings on July 22.

“There will be many opportunities for me to talk more about our specific fiscal plans on the 22nd,” Nadella said.

“With recent chatter about potential head count reductions at Microsoft it was important for Nadella to be visible and set an optimistic tone heading into the next few months, especially on the heels of the Nokia integration,” said Daniel Ives, an analyst at FBR Capital Markets.

In a 3,105-word memo sent to employees yesterday and posted on Microsoft’s website, Nadella set out his vision for the company five months after taking over as CEO from Steve Ballmer.

Most noticeably he described Microsoft as a “productivity and platform company”, focused on mobile and cloud computing, a subtle advance on Ballmer’s reinvention of Microsoft as a “devices and services” company, which could signal less emphasis on manufacturing devices.

Meanwhile, Microsoft said it has freed at least 4.7 million infected personal computers from control of cyber crooks in its most successful digital crime-busting operation, which interrupted service at an Internet-services firm last week.

The world’s largest software maker has identified at least another 4.7 million infected machines, though many are likely still controlled by cyber fraudsters, Microsoft’s cybercrime-fighting Digital Crimes Unit said on Thursday. Agencies