A. Shukri Elias’ Lukis Rayau.
A. Shukri Elias’ Lukis Rayau.
Berber by Ahmad Zakii.
Berber by Ahmad Zakii.
Artwork by Anissa Aziz.
Artwork by Anissa Aziz.

Galeri Petronas’ READrawing aims to understand what goes into creating a known work of art, writes Sarah NH Vogeler

ART critic John Ruskin said in The Elements of Drawing that all art is but dirtying the paper delicately, and if his words are anything to go by, then the show at Galeri Petronas, curated by Baktiar Naim from National Visual Arts Gallery and Erry Arham from Akademi Seni Warisan, certainly puts this view into test.

READrawing aims to put forward works by Malaysian artists in a multitude of dimensions, categories and forms, an attempt at drawing viewers to these artists’ thought processes, and subsequently encourage positive interaction and a deeper understanding of what their creations constitute.

To enable the public to fully appreciate the READrawing exhibition, the structure of the show has been broken down into four sub-themes:

• Drawing — Texts and Documentations

• Drawing — Psychomotor Practices and Idea Simulations

• Drawing — Confidence in Expressions and Experimental Mediums

• Drawing — 3 Dimensional and Digital

The Head of Galeri Petronas, Rosli Abdul Rahim, explains it thus: “There is a need for introspection to better appreciate and understand what goes on in creating a work of art. READrawing is one of our outreach initiatives in line with our tagline ‘Reimagining Energy’, to explore and discover what goes on beyond the final product displayed for viewing.

“Artists apply the same principle in producing their works as they redraw, restudy and also reimagine their magnum opus. Knowledge is infinite and it is only by updating ourselves that we better understand and gain insight for an improved and better outcome for the future.”

READrawing comprise 111 works by 45 artists — an impressive list which include Ahmad Zakii Anwar, Samsuddin Lappo, Arif Fauzan, Haslin Ismail, Azam Aris, Suzlee Ibrahim, Fauzul Yusri, Liu Cheng Hua, Anissa Aziz, Zuraimi Abd Rahim, Ahmad Shukri Elias, Mohd Bakir Baharom, Samsudin Wahab, Norshahidan Mohamad and many more.

Curators Baktiar and Erry elaborate: “The theme READrawing was chosen as it aptly delivers the main theme of the exhibition. Read is membaca in Bahasa Malaysia, while drawing is translated as lukisan; the exhibition conceptually aims to re-explore the meaning of the painting or drawing that has been limited to the definition of general knowledge.”

As most times a show put on by Galeri Petronas draws much attention, and this is no different.

The genuine drama of the works lies in the striking compositions, the initial beginnings or “drafts” so to speak, of the artists selected. The outstanding ones — Ahmad Zakii of course, whose works have always enthralled, gives us Berber, rendered in charcoal on paper. It is his gift of concentration, control, to dwell in that perfect moment, all of which makes what looks like a simple sketch movingly gritty and emotionally explosive.

And the underdog, Khairul Azmir Soib, whose illustrations are very much inspired and entrenched in fairy tales — from a intriguing childhood of absorbing Star Wars movies, voraciously reading Hans Christian Anderson/ The Brothers Grimm and surely he must be a Tim Burton fan, for the selections have a strange philosophical rationality, brittle-necked, elfin-like women with eyes gargantuan streaked with crimson tears and ominously gazing from a place of deep and dark secrets.

And Anissa Aziz should be mentioned, if only because she was able, and do it well at that, to dangle her images within a cloistered space, producing a perspective that gives the sensation of riotous and quiet at the same time.

Walking through the corridors of Galeri Petronas, passing by each composition, I had the sudden longing to re-visit Frida Kahlo’s drawings/ sketches — Here I Am Sending You My Picture (1927) pencil on paper, Accident (1926) pencil on paper and Pancho Villa and Adelita (1926) in particular. Francis Bacon and Diego Velasquez too.

To note, Galeri Petronas, established by Petronas in 1998 was created to support and cultivate the expansion of arts in Malaysia by making accessible a multipurpose, world-class stage for Malaysian and international artists to showcase their works.

The gallery envisions making art reachable, enjoyable and appealing. The exhibition is complemented by two art talks and a workshop throughout this month.


Free Admission



Galeri Petronas, Level 3, Suria KLCC, PETRONAS Twin Towers, KL
