Customs Department GST Director Datuk Subromaniam Tholasy (right) says 30 businesses have been identified for imposing GST without valid GST registration. File pic.
Customs Department GST Director Datuk Subromaniam Tholasy (right) says 30 businesses have been identified for imposing GST without valid GST registration. File pic.

PUTRAJAYA: The Royal Malaysian Customs Department has identified 30 businesses that have imposed the Goods and Services Tax on customers despite not having valid GST registration.

The department's GST Director Datuk Subromaniam Tholasy said those caught over the last three days are expected to be dragged to court after investigations had been completed.

He said this was considered to be a “grave” offence and the traders and restaurants caught charging indiscriminately faced RM30,000 fine and two years prison or both.

“We are taking very serious action against these errant traders and will not compromise with those taking advantage of the situation to make bigger profits,” he said during a press conference at the Finance Ministry building, here, this afternoon.