Many dishes in Mr Crab Restaurant’s menu feature crab as their main ingredient. Pix by Sharifah Mahsinah Abdullah
Many dishes in Mr Crab Restaurant’s menu feature crab as their main ingredient. Pix by Sharifah Mahsinah Abdullah
Aiman Yusri Mohd Yusof showing one of the crab dishes available at his restaurant. Pix by Sharifah Mahsinah Abdullah
Aiman Yusri Mohd Yusof showing one of the crab dishes available at his restaurant. Pix by Sharifah Mahsinah Abdullah

WHEN we talk about Kelantan, people often mention the variety of traditional dishes, ranging from nasi kerabu and nasi ulam with budu (fish sauce).

Many people may not know about the exciting restaurant scene in the state, where more eateries are sprouting up to serve Western and fusion cuisine.

It is this burgeoning restaurant scene that prompted a restaurateur in Tumpat to introduce crab meat-based dishes.

Aiman Yusri Mohd Yusof opened Mr Crab Restaurant in Pasir Pekan, Tumpat, in 2015.

Starting off with a capital of RM50,000, Aiman serves various dishes using fresh crab as their main ingredient.

His diligence paid off as the restaurant is gaining popularity among Kelantan folk.

“I wanted to do something different from other food operators. I was willing to invest a huge amount on the business.

“Dishes such as tom yam and ikan bakar are offered by many operators. I did not want to follow in their footsteps.

“That’s why I chose to do something different. I decided to put crab as my main menu and to make it the ingredient in almost all my dishes.

“I also wanted to sell the dishes at affordable prices so everyone can enjoy the food,” said Aiman, 33, a father of three.

Determining the right kind of menu and managing the restaurant are challenging, but Aiman has an advantage with his skills in managing a property developer company.

He is chief executive officer of the Aiman Group Construction and Properties company.

“Being the CEO, I use the knowledge I have to help build this business, especially in marketing. I needed to attract customers to my restaurant
as it started as an unknown eatery.

“That’s why I created various dishes using crab as their main ingredient, such as Maggi ketam gergasi special, nasi goreng ketam and black pepper crab.”

Aiman said the dishes sold at his restaurant were affordable. They range from RM25 to RM30 per plate.

“The prices depend on the size of crab,” said Aiman who is also Kelantan People’s Action Council’s Youth chief.

The former health counsellor at KPJ Perdana Specialist Hospital, Kota Baru said most of his clients were from the state, especially teenagers.

“With the help of seven workers, I close my restaurant only twice a month.

“My restaurant will normally be packed on weekends. Apart from Kelantanese, there are those from other states who love to eat at my restaurant.

“They come from all over the country.”

Aiman said he also served “shell-out” and other dishes, such as perut goreng, lala masak serai, hamburgers and even fruit salad (colek buah).