CANCER is an illness that causes fear. However, technological advancements in healthcare have produced medications that are effective in treating the disease.

The findings from clinical research conducted over the years support this statement.

However, some people still buy into the belief that modern treatments are less effective, have numerous side effects and are incompatible with patients' current conditions.

Such myths have influenced some patients to choose alternative methods that may be unproven.

They will purchase medications or supplements with unknown and possibly dangerous ingredients, which claim to possess cancer-curing properties.

To avoid complications, cancer patients should get correct information about their disease and treatment from healthcare professionals.

Unfounded beliefs or getting taken in by myths could worsen the disease, and delay appropriate treatments, which patients are supposed to be receiving.

The following are common myths held by patients, and explanations that help to dispel them.

MYTH 1: Treatments are worse than the disease itself.

Among all cancer treatment approaches, two of the most talked about are chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These treatments can cause side effects that make patients uncomfortable and affect their quality of life.

However, some medications are available to lessen the severity of side effects, such as nausea, vomiting and hair loss.

Patients can complete their treatments, thus improving the outcome of their disease and eventually enhancing their quality of life.

People should obtain information about cancer and its treatment from healthcare professionals. Picture: Created by senivpetro —
People should obtain information about cancer and its treatment from healthcare professionals. Picture: Created by senivpetro —

MYTH 2: Alternative treatments and natural health products can cure cancer.

Fearing the possibility of undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, cancer patients often seek alternative therapies.

This scenario has led to the emergence of many irresponsible sellers, who exaggerate the advantages of their health products, making unsubstantiated claims through various testimonials.

Out of desperation, patients buy these supposedly natural products at an exorbitant price, in hopes these herbs or supplements can deliver the same benefits that chemotherapy and radiotherapy do, minus the side effects.

However, the use of natural health products in cancer treatment is not supported or proven by scientific evidence. The public should be aware that the quality, safety and efficacy of unregistered products are also doubtful.

Other than that, the use of some herbal products can lead to interactions with chemotherapy and radiotherapy medications, rendering these therapies less effective.

Cancer patients must have an in-depth discussion with their doctor or pharmacist before taking any traditional or complementary products, including vitamins and supplements.

Don’t fall prey to those claiming their vitamins or supplements can cure cancer. Picture: Created by 8photo —
Don’t fall prey to those claiming their vitamins or supplements can cure cancer. Picture: Created by 8photo —

MYTH 3: Pharmaceutical companies reap profits by selling expensive treatments and hiding new medications that can cure cancer.

The quest to find a cure for cancer is ongoing. Scientists worldwide are conducting numerous clinical research and trials to develop methods and medications that can diagnose and treat all types of cancer.

These usually takes a long time as they involve various pre-clinical and clinical trials.

The process is essential to ensure the quality, safety and efficacy of these newly developed medications are proven with solid data involving a large population.

Not only that, these studies should be carried out meticulously to ensure promising effects for patients in the future.

Speeding up drug production without adequate studies would only jeopardise the lives of patients. Therefore, it is unjustifiable to presume that pharmaceutical companies would hide new medications that could cure cancer just to sell expensive treatments.

Some people buy into the belief that modern treatments are less effective with many side effects. Picture: Created by jcomp -
Some people buy into the belief that modern treatments are less effective with many side effects. Picture: Created by jcomp -

In a nutshell, these myths about cancer treatments are questionable and may confuse patients.

It is vital to ensure that cancer patients get appropriate therapies and do not fall victim to health products that give them false hope through unverified health claims.

For further enquiries about medication, call the National Pharmacy Call Centre at toll-free 1800-88-6722 (Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm).

*The writer is a pharmacist at Raja Perempuan Zainab II Hospital, Kota Baru, Kelantan.