Fuel Athletics trainer Aziz Mohamed showing how it’s done.

Get leg-ready with these exercise moves from Fuel Athletics trainer Aziz Mohamed, writes Aznim Ruhana Md Yusup.

Lunges work muscles in the lower body, such as the thighs, hamstring and buttocks. But they can be a bit of a strain on the knees, so start with smaller steps and don’t bend your knees beyond 90 degrees.

To begin, keep your upper body straight and relaxed. Then step forward, lower your torso and get the back knee to the ground. The front knee should be aligned with the ankle and not pushed out too far. Once in position, immediately get back up and move the back leg forward. Repeat 15 times.

Lunges work muscles in the lower body, such as the thighs, hamstring and buttocks.
Lunges work muscles in the lower body, such as the thighs, hamstring and buttocks.

The high knees exercise combines static running with exaggerated knee lifts. As you run in place, raise one knee up to waist-height and toward your chest, and then place it down before raising the other. Use your hands to guide your legs as you move. Repeat 10 times.

The high knees exercise combines static running with exaggerated knee lifts. Photo by Rohanis Shukri.
The high knees exercise combines static running with exaggerated knee lifts. Photo by Rohanis Shukri.

The burpee is a full body exercise as it works your arms, chest, legs and abdominal muscles. The movement is (somewhat) similar to waking up in the morning where you are lying down and then you pull yourself up.

To do a burpee, lower yourself, chest-down, with your hands and toes on the floor. Move your chest close to the floor, and do a push-up. Then quickly kick your feet forward to where they were earlier, raise your body, lift your hands upwards and jump.

Repeat the exercise five times before doing all the moves in order for another three rounds.

To do a burpee, first lower yourself, chest-down, with your hands and toes on the floor. Photo by Rohanis Shukri.
To do a burpee, first lower yourself, chest-down, with your hands and toes on the floor. Photo by Rohanis Shukri.

To end a burpee, raise your body, lift your hands upwards and jump.
To end a burpee, raise your body, lift your hands upwards and jump.

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