Shahrulezad Mohameddin has slammed certain netizens for their "criminal intimidation and cyber-bullying" of actress Ruhainies Zainul Ilyas (Instagram budakijat)
Shahrulezad Mohameddin has slammed certain netizens for their "criminal intimidation and cyber-bullying" of actress Ruhainies Zainul Ilyas (Instagram budakijat)

KUALA LUMPUR: Television drama producer and director Shahrulezad Mohameddin has slammed certain netizens for their "criminal intimidation and cyber-bullying" of actress Ruhainies Zainul Ilyas.

In an Instagram post yesterday, Shahrulezad said that netizens who made threats against Ruhainies and even vowed to "torment her to death" had committed criminal intimidation and the actress and her family had every right to lodge police reports against them.

"We may not agree with what she did but we have no right to threaten her on social media. She and her family can report all of you cyber-bullies to the police for criminal intimidation and death threats," said Shahrulezad.

"Do not go overboard unless you want to spend Ramadan and Hari Raya behind bars!"

Ruhainies was arrested for khalwat with Singaporean singer and actor Aliff Aziz at her condominium here on March 8.

Aliff's singer and actress wife of eight years Bella Astillah subsequently filed for divorce at the Federal Territories Syariah Court.

Since then many netizens have condemned Ruhainies as a "home-wrecker" and "adulteress" and promised to boycott all of her dramas and public appearances.

Drama producer Datuk A Aida dropped Ruhainies from her productions and blacklisted her.

Ruhainies also withdrew her participation in the March 29 Starvendors Mega Raya Festival at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre after netizens threatened to boycott the festival organised by singer and actress Ifa Raziah.