Abby Abadi (right) is perplexed by her daughter Marissa Dania Hakim’s drastic change in personality. – Pics from IG
Abby Abadi (right) is perplexed by her daughter Marissa Dania Hakim’s drastic change in personality. – Pics from IG

KUALA LUMPUR: "Aslam is not a person who can be in a polygamous relationship. I don't see it because 'dia tak berkemampuan' (he doesn't have the means)," said actress and singer Abby Abadi on the recent controversy surrounding her daughter's secret marriage.

She said this in a recent video interview uploaded by cosmetics entrepreneur, Datuk Seri Aliff Syukri, on Instagram, according to a news report today.

Previous reports earlier this month alleged that Abby's daughter, Marissa Dania Hakim, had tied the knot with a married man named Aslam in secret in Songkhla, on Dec 27.

In the recent video, Abby added that she was surprised by the drastic change in Marissa's personality in which her daughter was adamant on getting married.

"Other families don't even know if she (Marissa) is in contact with the current man (Aslam).

"Marissa has been with me since she was small and she is not like she was now. I also feel like there's something that made my daughter completely change, like it's not her.

"This is really something way beyond me and her father's (Norman Hakim) expectations.

"We have done our very best to take care of her but I can't fathom how she can do something to this extent," she said.

Prior to the secret marriage allegations, rumours of Marissa's relationship with a certain married individual had already been circulating since last year.

At the same time, Aslam's sister-in-law known as Nadiah had confirmed earlier this month that the two had married in secret in Songkhla on Dec 27.

They had done this without the knowledge of Aslam's first wife who was in Mekah to perform her umrah at the time.

The wedding had also allegedly taken place without the knowledge of Marissa's family.