Nikki Palikat has found love again with a French alternative medicine practitioner. Pix credit Instagram nikkipalikat
Nikki Palikat has found love again with a French alternative medicine practitioner. Pix credit Instagram nikkipalikat

KUALA LUMPUR: Gegar Vaganza 8 (GV8) runner-up Nikki Palikat has found love again with a French alternative medicine practitioner.

Nikki, 39, from Tambunan, Sabah said in an interview with Berita Harian Online yesterday that the 43-year-old French chiropractor once treated her for an ailment.

"We have known each other for two years and are now in a serious relationship. Let's hope for the best," said Nikki who has a teenage son Liam from her previous marriage to composer Audi Mok.

The Malaysian Idol 1 sixth-placed added that her son welcomed their relationship and understood that his parents were no longer together.

"I am also taking French language classes to communicate with him better," said Nikki, who was married to Audi from 2009 to 2022.