Shawn Mendes’s flawless showmanship left our writer in awe. — Photo courtesy of Jinson Chee
Shawn Mendes’s flawless showmanship left our writer in awe. — Photo courtesy of Jinson Chee

UNLIKE millions of music fans around the world, I have never listened to any of Shawn Mendes' songs in full. Until last weekend, that is, when he held a concert at the Axiata Arena Bukit Jalil in Kuala Lumpur as part of his third solo tour.

The Canadian's popularity is undeniable. Initially, I thought he was just another singer who was simply very good-looking. Boy, was I wrong!

His voice was out of this world, with plenty of stylised vibrato, riffs and runs at almost every note. And he was able to maintain all that while singing live in a two-hour concert!

Incredible. I'm all for steady and controlled vocals. The pretty face can't hurt, right?


The arena was packed to the brim with a passionate crowd that included not just screaming teens but also older folk.

Mendes walked on stage, looking suave, to perform the hits Lost In Japan, There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back, Nervous and Stitches.

They were a great choice for an opener, thanks to their upbeat sounds and catchy lyrics, which easily got the crowd going wild.

With a guitar hanging around him, Mendes showcased limitless energy as he simultaneously strummed the instrument and jumped to the beat.

On top of that, he hyped the audience even more by frequently attempting high notes and encouraging them to sing along. And they did, well and loudly.

As the show progressed, I was even more surprised to learn that the fans knew the words to almost every song.

Either Mendes had picked only his greatest hits for the set list, or this crowd had really been following his musical career since the beginning.

Even Mendes himself looked amazed and smiled fondly whenever he heard their voices and cheers reverberating across the stadium.

Fans were provided with chairs but they remained on their feet throughout the whole concert. Some even stood on the chairs.

Every attendee was also given a wristband with a light that changed colour according to the beat and songs via Bluetooth. The glow was a pretty sight.


Decked in a white sleeveless button-down shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans, Mendes continued the show with a remix of the massive hit Senorita.

Although it was originally a duet of him and his singer girlfriend Camila Cabello, he was able to hold his own.

It started off with Mendes sounding soulful on the piano before his band joined him with guitar and drums. Somehow it turned into an almost unrecognisable pop-rock number.

Up next was Bad Reputation, a dark and dramatic track that showcased Mendes' wide range of vocals. He slowed things down for the poignant Never Be Alone. I decided these two were my favourites so far.

Also notable were Treat You Better, Mercy, Falling All In You (co-written by his bestie Ed Sheeran) and Youth.

Despite the loud music, Mendes' vocals rang clear and his flowery runs gave me "eargasms". And with his blinding smile and impressive biceps, I could see how he made all the girls' hearts flutter.


For one concert segment, Mendes performed at a smaller stage set up near the back section of the arena. Highlighted by bright lights from above and below, he alternated between the piano and guitar for an almost acoustic vibe.

Right next to the stage, a giant lighted-up rose stalk hung from the ceiling. The placement was odd, but I guess it went with Mendes' tour theme of roses. At least fans sitting away from the stage had a chance to see him more clearly.

Other songs performed included I Know What You Did Last Summer, Mutual, Like To Be You, Life Of The Party, Particular Taste, Why, In The Morning, If I Can't Have You and Ruin.

Mendes hardly took any breaks between songs. How did he manage to breathe while jumping around and screaming while keeping his voice perfect?

As for the energy, I guess it is not surprising given that he is only 21. But his vocal ability proved that he is beyond his years as a singer.

For the encore, Mendes performed a short verse of Coldplay's iconic Fix You on the piano before ending the show with his celebrated In My Blood.


If there is one thing I have to nit-pick about the concert, it was the lack of verbal interaction between Mendes and the crowd.

Normally an artiste will take a moment between performances to express their appreciation for their fans. I think this creates a stronger connection between the two parties and makes the concert experience even more personal and memorable for fans.

Instead, Mendes's show went on almost non-stop and he only said things like "How're you guys doing, Malaysia?" every now and then.

Oh, well. His flawless showmanship made up for it.