The Ministry of Agriculture and Commodities (KPK) targets timber industry exports to reach RM28 billion by 2030.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Commodities (KPK) targets timber industry exports to reach RM28 billion by 2030.

KUALA LUMPUR: The Ministry of Agriculture and Commodities (KPK) targets timber industry exports to reach RM28 billion by 2030.

Its Minister Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani said in 2023, Malaysia's timber industry contributed RM21.8 billion to the country's export revenue.

He added that the export value of timber and timber-based products declined by 13.3 per cent in 2023 compared with the previous year, while the quantity also declined by 4.2 per cent during the same period.

"The decline in exports has several reasons, one of which is the uncertain economic situation in the United States (US), resulting in reduced demand. Our exports used to be nearly 40 per cent  ( of products produced) involving the furniture and timber industry going to America, so when that (reduced demand) happens, our exports are slightly affected. Additionally, issues and challenges such as geopolitical tensions, trade protection policies by importing countries, negative perceptions, and competition with timber-exporting countries worldwide also affected exports last year," he told reporters after the Excellent Service Award Ceremony (APC 2023) by Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB) and Hari Raya Aidilfitri Celebration 2024 here today.

A total of 36 MTIB personnel received the MTIB Excellent Service Award 2023 as a token of appreciation for their contributions to ensuring that Malaysia's wood industry remains at the forefront.

During the same event, Johari also launched the MTIB's Cyber Security Policy (PKS) to replace the Information and Communications Technology Security Policy (DKICT) that has been in use since 2007.

The policy outlines regulations and explains the roles of all parties involved in line with the needs of information security management in the vast cyberspace, as well as the increasing risks and threats. Commenting on the policy, Johari said it serves as a security measure to ensure efficient cyber security management.

He noted that cybersecurity is crucial because every agency, including MTIB, has a comprehensive database to determine cess, duties, and taxes.

"So if we don't have strong cyber security, it can disrupt the operations of any company or agency when data is hacked by any hacker. "Nowadays, hackers worldwide aren't just focusing on banks; although banks are challenging to hack due to their investment in expensive firewalls, other sectors are now targeted. "Therefore, companies like MTIB, Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB), and Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (LGM) must ensure their cybersecurity is top-notch. "Data breaches could severely disrupt the operations of these agencies," he said.