Team Hollywood-Provezza in action. NSTP/LUQMAN HAKIM ZUBIR
Team Hollywood-Provezza in action. NSTP/LUQMAN HAKIM ZUBIR

LANGKAWI: Mathematically, Team Hollywood-Provezza can be declared as champions in the Racing class of the International Langkawi Regatta even though there are two more races to go.

Nonetheless, skipper Ray Roberts said he will not take it easy even though they are in the driving seat.

The Australian team have seven points from eight races, and they will be difficult to overtake by defending champions from Thailand, THA72.

“We always give our best in every race but we can't guarantee anything in the next two races tomorrow (today),” said Roberts.

“We need to sail like a professional outfit as the Thailand boat is always close by. The Armed Forces team (Malaysia) is the same, and if Lady Luck shines for them, they can beat us as well.

“The target is to win both the races by being at the front. We can't be comfortable at this juncture.”

THA72, skippered by Kevin Whitcraft, said: “Hollywood is too strong. They have a new boat and a super crew and we have been struggling to keep up with them as we could not finish any race as No 1. Looks like we have to try harder next year.”