Fifa has given the green light for the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) technology to be used for the 2024-2025 M-League. FILE PIC
Fifa has given the green light for the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) technology to be used for the 2024-2025 M-League. FILE PIC

KUALA LUMPUR: Fifa has given the green light for the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) technology to be used for the 2024-2025 M-League.

FAM said on Thursday that the VAR go-ahead came following a recent visit from Fifa official Bhaveshan Moorghan and Fifa VAR instructor Igor Rodajcic.

FAM Deputy President, Datuk S. Sivasundaram said Malaysia is among the 68 nations approved for VAR implementation by Fifa.

Malaysia has now joined Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam as the fourth Southeast Asian nation to implement VAR.