KL City chief executive officer Stanley Bernard. _ Bernama pic
KL City chief executive officer Stanley Bernard. _ Bernama pic

KUALA LUMPUR: If you are a football fan living in Kuala Lumpur who support Manchester United or Liverpool, it is almost a crime not to support the KL Super League team.

That is the feeling of KL City chief executive officer Stanley Bernard.

Malaysians are known to happily fork out RM400 for a Manchester United or Liverpool shirt, but balk at paying RM40 for a M-League team shirt.

Stanley is pleading for fans in the city to rally together and support the KL team.

"I urge fans to come out and support us. If you are a KL citizen and support Manchester United or Liverpool, then it's almost a crime for you not to support (KL City).

"KL is my home and I'm pleading for fans to fill our stadium (for KL's home matches). If we can do that, then we will have revenue."

Stanley said KL City have plans for their fans to engage with their team.

He said KL City will have a team jerseys sale on March 9 for fans before their season pass and team launch on April 20.

"We will also reach out to the kids in the Bandar Tasik Selatan area and there will be townhall sessions (for fans) with players three-four weeks before the season kicks off."

Stanley said the club will also invite fans to collaborate on designing their team's third jersey or Malaysia Cup jersey.