Sports Minister, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, said that the Cabinet decided this year’s Le Tour de Langkawi (LTdL) be postponed to after LIMA to avoid a clash of dates.
Sports Minister, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, said that the Cabinet decided this year’s Le Tour de Langkawi (LTdL) be postponed to after LIMA to avoid a clash of dates.

BACHOK: The Sports Ministry have confirmed that the dates for this year’s Le Tour de Langkawi have been postponed to April 6-13 from the initial dates of March 24-31, so that it takes place after the 2019 Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA 19) show.

Sports Minister, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman said that the decision was made after yesterday’s (Wednesday’s) cabinet meeting.

He said that such a move was necessary to avoid a clash of dates between the two International events in Langkawi.

“Yesterday (Wednesday), the cabinet took the decision to set the dates for LTdL after LIMA 19 because both are international events that prior to this had a clash of dates in Langkawi.

“The Prime Minister views this matter seriously, because he is the man behind both these events, which are his brainchild, and he wanted to ensure that both events are carried out smoothly.

“We also want widespread media coverage carried out live involving the international media as well, such as Al-Jazeera, which will need to use helicopters and drones, and when LIMA takes place, the airspace over Langkawi is under tight scrutiny and control.

“Therefore, we decided that LTdL be postponed to after LIMA,” he said during a press conference after the ‘Anok Mudo’ Town Hall programme at the National Youth Higher Skills Institute (IKTBN) here earlier today (Thursday).

NSTP Sport had reported before this that this year’s LTdL which was initially scheduled for March 24-31 should not be postponed because it would lead to a lot of other issues and problems for the participating racing teams, especially international outfits who have already confirmed their participation and made the necessary early preparations.

Speaking further, Syed Saddiq said that the matter has already been informed to the Malaysian National Cycling Federation (MNCF) and the organisers, Human Voyage (M) Sdn Bhd.

“They have been informed and have agreed to the postponement of dates,” he said.