BERLIN: Germany’s national media were left swooning today after their football team’s stunning 7-1 hammering of hosts Brazil in the World Cup semi-final.
NEW YORK: US stocks fell in a broad selloff on Tuesday, dropping for a second straight session and driving the Dow below 17,000 as investors turned cautious before the start of earnings season.
MOGADISHU: Islamist Shebab rebels carried out a major bomb and armed attack on Somalia’s presidential palace late Tuesday, penetrating the heavily fortified complex in the capital Mogadishu before blowing themselves up.
UNITED NATIONS: The Iraqi government has told the United Nations that militants have seized one of Saddam Hussein’s former chemical weapons factories, confirming an earlier claim by Washington.
LOS ANGELES: Domino’s pizza manager Andy Ritchie has taken a lot of orders, but never one quite like this: to feed an entire plane full of hungry, delayed passengers, stuck on the tarmac.
JAKARTA: Indonesians voted today in the tightest and most divisive presidential election since the downfall of dictator Suharto, pitting Jakarta governor Joko Widodo against Prabowo Subianto, an ex-general with a chequered human rights record.
SEOUL: North Korea today fired what appeared to be two short-range missiles into the sea in the latest in a series of launches interspersed with spurned peace overtures to South Korea.
BELO HORIZONTE: Germany coach Joachim Loew said he understood the shock and pain that Brazil were feeling today after their 7-1 World Cup semi-final defeat on home soil, recalling how the Germans felt in 2006 when they lost to Italy at the same stage.
BRASïLIA: President Dilma Rousseff said she was sad and sorry about Brazil’s humiliating 7-1 defeat to Germany in the World Cup semi-finals this morning.
PUTRAJAYA: DATUK Seri Najib Razak yesterday announced a restructuring of the Eastern Sabah Security Command (Esscom) to further enhance security in the region.
PUTRAJAYA: THE National Finance Council will contribute RM470 million to the State Reserve Fund in 2016.
KUALA LUMPUR: IT is often said that Malaysians are bad drivers. Statistics are now proving it to be true.
BELO HORIZONTE: Brazil coach Luiz Felipe Scolari said watching his side being crushed 7-1 by Germany in their World Cup semi-final was the worst day of his life as they suffered the most humiliating result in their illustrious soccer history.
KUALA LUMPUR: An Umno supreme council member has slammed Penang Deputy Chief Minister P. Ramasamy for challenging Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to “bring back May 13”.
JOHOR BARU: FORMER Johor DAP deputy chairman Norman Fernandez said he would have a fairer chance before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who had Jesus crucified, than at DAP’s disciplinary committee.