There are different sizes and types of cactus that will make anyone fall in love with them.
There are different sizes and types of cactus that will make anyone fall in love with them.

ARE you a cactus lover? Anyone can fall in love with cactus plants, especially when they are flowering.

There are different sizes and types of cactus, which can survive with low maintenance, poor soil conditions and no water.

Cactus plants are living organisms as they consume and radiate energy, like people and animals.

Some people like to keep their cactuses indoors. If you are one of them, the placement of the plants must be subtle and in harmony with the overall look of the room.

Cactus in the living room is not quite a good idea as you may get poked by its spines.
Cactus in the living room is not quite a good idea as you may get poked by its spines.

If you suddenly get nervous, itchy and irritable, especially after you have just bought some cactus plants and placed them in the living room, bedroom, front entrance, kitchen or other areas, then do a quick research about their type and find out if they are “disturbing” you.

According to basic Feng Shui principles, placing cactus plants in living room, bedrooms or the front entrance can turn it to a place of conflict, instead of a place of cooperation and harmony.

A cactus plant can bring bad Feng Shui if placed in a wrong area.

Placing cactus in the bedroom can disturb your sleep and peace.
Placing cactus in the bedroom can disturb your sleep and peace.

While plants bring positivity into your home, cactuses are an exception. Cactuses are nice plants with strong protective energy but their spines are a problem. As sharp objects, they look like thousands of tiny arrows that shoot directed energy into the surrounding space. That is why cactuses should never be placed in a living room, bedroom or the front entrance.

A living room is an area for you to relax. By placing a cactus plant there, you may constantly be “poked” with its sharp pointed tips causing all sorts of disturbance.

A bedroom is where you find comfort and peace while you sleep. You wouldn’t want any form of negative energy to disturb your peace and sleep. If you have a cactus plant in the bedroom, you may get “pricked” every now and then.

Placing cactus in the kitchen is likely to spoil the taste of your food.
Placing cactus in the kitchen is likely to spoil the taste of your food.

The kitchen is a place where you cook food and prepare drinks for the family and guests, and you wouldn’t want your dishes to taste bad. Placing a cactus in the kitchen would likely spoil the taste as they emit negative energy which could transfer onto the meals that you are preparing and eventually to the people eating the food.

Don’t place your cactus plants too close to the entrance or the main door. You want this area to be as free as possible for new, refreshing energy to come into your home.

Anyone can fall in love with cactuses especially when they flower.
Anyone can fall in love with cactuses especially when they flower.

Place your living cactus plants in a sunny spot with good flow of air, and say goodbye to negative energy.

Good Feng Shui placement for cactus plants protects people from the negative energy rays that cactus spines radiate in all directions.