RECENTLY I attended the 32nd edition of the Malaysian Annual Real Estate Convention (Marec) organised by the Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA).

This annual two-day convention attracted several hundred property players.

Each year, the convention has a different theme, usually touching on some hot topics of the moment.

The convention was mainly geared towards estate agents but had over the years attracted attention from other property players, valuers, bankers, developers and property investment enthusiasts.

This year, the convention was held at the Sime Darby Convention Centre from March 2 to 3.

It attracted about 300 participants, all eager to learn, get motivated and better themselves.

An important part of attending this kind of event is the opportunity to meet and network with people in the industry who you might never get a chance to meet.

Every year, Marec has a networking cocktail event at the end of the first day. This year was no different. Participants had a good time catching up with old friends, meeting new friends and forging alliances with like-minded individuals in the industry.

The theme of the convention this year was “Embracing Changes With Innovation”. I thought this was the most suitable theme for the convention.

AC Milan players celebrate after winning 2-0 against Lazio at The San Siro Stadium in Milan, on September 12. - AFP PIC
AC Milan players celebrate after winning 2-0 against Lazio at The San Siro Stadium in Milan, on September 12. - AFP PIC

The world seems to be moving ahead at breakneck speed. The rate of change is happening at a much faster rate than most of us are comfortable with. Many of us are merely playing catch up, falling behind no matter how hard we try. Technology is taking over every aspect of our lives. Those of us who refuse to embrace this new way of life are going to be left behind, much like the dinosaurs were, millions of years ago.

Over the two days, most speakers had a similar theme to their talks: “Embrace this change or be prepared to be left behind”.

The individual talking topics were completely different, but the underlying message was similar. It was actually very haunting to sit there and listen to the eerily similar warnings.

If you are a property investor, seasoned or otherwise, it might be a good idea for you to attend seminars and conventions such as this to learn and equip yourself with the cutting-edge knowledge.

Also, the people you meet and the contacts you forge with other property players are invaluable.

There are many property conventions, so you need to choose with care the ones you are going to attend.

Generally, if you attend the ones organised by the respective national organisations, you should be assured of a quality convention.

Property investment is a journey fraught with the unknown. There is danger lurking everywhere. From illegal brokers whose only aim is to fleece you of your money, so-called property experts who promise you deals that cannot be refused, unbelievable property schemes that promise to make you a multi-millionaire without much effort or risk, and to a market that continues to be hostile and unpredictable, it is not an easy journey.

As a property investor, you need to equip yourself with the right knowledge and mindset to face the challenges ahead. And conventions such as Marec will help equip you with the necessary information that will enable you to make better investment decisions.

Be cautious while you navigate the unpredictable world of property investment. Be bold and brave, but keep caution on your side.

Check everything for yourself. Never take anything for granted. Equip yourself with proper knowledge. Seek the services of a competent registered estate agent.

Till then, happy hunting and may the force be with you.

Siva Shanker is a real estate practitioner who is passionate about the property market. His views are frank and honest. He tries to manage the labyrinth of the property market honestly while consistently maintaining a high standard of ethics in his practice of the profession. Siva welcomes feedback via [email protected].