Placing a bird or squirrel feeder in your garden will complement the energy level.
Placing a bird or squirrel feeder in your garden will complement the energy level.

DO you know that Feng Shui also applies to your garden and not just your home or office? Feng Shui experts recommend that you build a garden in your house for positive energy.

If you live in an apartment which has a balcony, you can turn that space into a miniature garden. If you don’t have a balcony, then the other alternative is to place small flowering pots in the kitchen, or in the corner of your living room together with a few green plants. Make sure you select an area in your house that gets adequate sunlight for the plants to undergo photosynthesis.

If you live in a landed property, make full use of the outside space. But be sure to check which flowers or plants that are most suitable for your environment. There are also lots of information on the Internet for the best Feng Shui plants for your home.

Make the best of your garden with outdoor products like wind chimes, stepping stones, a chair or bench.
Make the best of your garden with outdoor products like wind chimes, stepping stones, a chair or bench.

According to, Feng Shui can help boost energy in any space. A well-maintained garden with beautiful flowering plants would create vibrant Feng Shui energy, as well as neutralise bad energy before it enters your house.

Here are top five Feng Shui garden tips by expert Rodika Tchi:

Learn to create good Feng Shui garden

It is best you define the Feng Shui bagua of your garden and use the right elements before starting work on it.

Good Feng Shui design in your garden will help attract high quality energy to your home.
Good Feng Shui design in your garden will help attract high quality energy to your home.

Create the vision for your garden — Feng Shui of your specific garden

According to Tchi, good Feng Shui design in your garden would help attract high quality energy to your home, as well as delight all your senses.

Define the garden energy map — How to define the bagua of your garden

When you are defining the bagua of your house, remember to include your garden. After you have defined the bagua of your garden, the focus should be on the right elements to bring the desired balance of all five Feng Shui elements. For example, if you plan to have an outdoor fountain, the best Feng Shui areas are East (Feng Shui health and family); Southeast (Feng Shui wealth) and North (Feng Shui career). If you would like to create a zen rock garden, then the best Feng Shui bagua areas are Southwest, west, Northwest and Northeast.

Include the garden when you are defining the bagua of your house.
Include the garden when you are defining the bagua of your house.

Decide on the water feature — Feng Shui of a water feature in your garden

Water is a universal symbol of abundance and where you have it in your garden or which direction is important to create better energy. First you must know the bagua of your garden and understand the interplay of the five Feng Shui elements and only then you look for the best area to locate the water feature.

One Menerung unit in Bangsar.
One Menerung unit in Bangsar.

Use best garden products

Make the best of your garden with outdoor products like wind chimes, wall canvas, fountains, lighting, statues and accents, bird feeders, stepping stones and a bench. These items can bring good Feng Shui in the garden in the form of dynamic harmony of sounds, colours, images, and movements.

Check your garden — How do I know if it has good Feng Shui?

How you feel as you walk through your garden is important. If you like spending time in itthen you know you have done a great job with it.