There has been a steep increase in the cost of medical insurance. -AFP FILE
There has been a steep increase in the cost of medical insurance. -AFP FILE

IN recent years, specifically in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a steep increase in the cost of medical insurance. The premium for my medical insurance policy has increased by more than RM1,000 per annum.

This amount might not seem high for some people, but for retirees with no income, it is a hard blow to the coffers.

It is only common sense that medical insurance grows in importance the older we get, as we are more prone to accidents and other health issues.

When asked about the increase, the agents tell me that the number of claims has been increasing, thus the insurance companies have to increase the premium.

But is this fair to people like retirees? Especially those who have not made any claims for several years? Shouldn't the medical card companies have a formula that can at least benefit the non-claimers?

Insurance companies should also revise the commission structure for their agents. Why should the clients bear the brunt of the increase in premium?

Whatever increase in cost should be shared among the agents and the clients because it is the clients who are forking out money from their pockets.

To be fair during tough economic times, this arrangement ought to be looked into by other businesses, too.


Seremban, Negri Sembilan