Dr Karomidin Gadoev.
Dr Karomidin Gadoev.

UZBEKISTAN and Malaysia attach great importance to the active and fruitful development of a comprehensive dialogue.

This month, the Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is planning an official visit to Uzbekistan, aimed at intensifying cooperation in various spheres and implementing joint projects in priority areas.

Despite the geographical distance between Uzbekistan and Malaysia, the countries have long been linked by historical ties, cultural and religious commonalities, shared traditions and common values of tolerance and diversity.

This year marks 32 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Tashkent and Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia was the first Southeast Asian nation to recognize the independence of Uzbekistan on Jan 1, 1992.

The exchange of official high-level visits to Malaysia in 1992 and 2005, and to Uzbekistan in 1993 and 2008 laid the foundation for the development of relations of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation.

As a result, both sides signed a number of intergovernmental documents on cooperation in promising areas. In 2003, His Majesty Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Jamalullail, then King of Malaysia visited Uzbekistan.

In recent years, relations between the countries have strengthened significantly. Noticeable results have been achieved in bilateral cooperation, our countries have intensified political dialogue, are providing mutual support within the framework of international organizations, and building up mutually beneficial trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties.

The meeting between the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the former King of Malaysia, Sultan Abdullah Riayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah, on Dec 1, 2023 on the sidelines of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai, opened a new stage in the development of bilateral relations.

Interparliamentary relations are successfully developing within the framework of the activities of interparliamentary friendship groups in the parliaments of Uzbekistan and Malaysia.

The foreign ministers of both countries exchanged visits in 2023 and 2024, and the Uzbekistan–Malaysia Business Forum was organized in Kuala Lumpur in February this year.

In October 2023, a Malaysian delegation led by the Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Tiong King Sing took part in the UNWTO General Assembly in Samarkand and inked an intergovernmental Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the field of Tourism.

An important mechanism for promoting bilateral relations is political consultations between the Foreign Ministries of Uzbekistan and Malaysia. The fifth round of MFA bilateral consultations took place in March 2022 in Putrajaya. This year the next round will be hosted in Tashkent.

Malaysia remains an important trading partner of Uzbekistan among Asean countries. In 2023, trade turnover between the countries increased three times compared with 2017 and reached US$190 billion.

Uzbekistan exports chemical products, food products, textiles and fruits to Malaysia. Malaysia's main exports are oil and fat products, machinery and transport equipment, food products and chemical products.

The interest of Malaysian investors in Uzbekistan is growing. Currently, 33 enterprises with the participation of Malaysian capital operate in Uzbekistan. At the same time, 16 of them are established with 100 per cent Malaysian capital.

Thanks to its strategic location, developed transport infrastructure and existing free trade agreements with neighbouring countries, Uzbekistan can act as a hub for Malaysian businesses to enter the Central Asian market with a population of 80 million people.

In turn, Malaysia can serve as an important bridge for Uzbek businesses to the markets of Southeast Asian countries.

In this context, transport connectivity deserves special attention. Today, Uzbekistan Airways national flag carrier and Batik Air Malaysia operate four flights weekly between Tashkent and Kuala Lumpur.

At the same time, Uzbekistan is interested in continuing joint work on the development of alternative transport and logistics routes between Central Asia and Malaysia.

Education remains another important area of cooperation. Educational and research institutions of the two countries effectively interact within the framework of joint educational programmes.

The upcoming visit of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to Uzbekistan and the expected high-level dialogue will allow us to raise warm and friendly ties between Uzbekistan and Malaysia to a new level and intensify, first of all, trade and economic cooperation, which has a large untapped potential.

The visit is expected to announce signing of a number of intergovernmental documents, trade-economic and investment agreements. The historic city of Samarkand, which is being positioned today as the centre of international diplomacy and tourism, will host the next Uzbekistan–Malaysia Business Forum.

Symbolically, "Malaysia Madani" concept, aimed at boosting economy and improving quality of life of the population, is consistent with "Uzbekistan – 2030" Development Strategy.

This opens up opportunities for exchange of experience in implementing socio-economic and structural reforms.

Today, Uzbekistan plays an active role not only in the development of integration processes in Central Asia, but also in establishing new forms of interaction between the region and foreign partners.

In turn, being one of the founding nations of the Asean, Malaysia also plays an essential role in the development of regional integration processes. The high-level dialogue in Tashkent will provide an opportunity to initiate a new "Central Asia–Asean" dialogue platform.

I am convinced that the official visit of Anwar will intensify Uzbekistan–Malaysia cooperation, based on the solid foundation of centuries-old friendship, trust and mutual understanding, in the spheres of politics, security, trade, economics, investment, transport communications, environmental protection, education, innovation, culture and public diplomacy.

In addition, as part of the visit, the Malaysian delegation led by Anwar will have an opportunity to delve into the famous historic cities of Uzbekistan – Samarkand and Bukhara.

The writer is Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Malaysia