Selangor opposition leader Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali today submitted a notice to Selangor Speaker Lau Weng San regarding the unexpected vacancy of the Selat Klang state seat. BERNAMA PIC
Selangor opposition leader Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali today submitted a notice to Selangor Speaker Lau Weng San regarding the unexpected vacancy of the Selat Klang state seat. BERNAMA PIC

SHAH ALAM: Selangor opposition leader Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali today submitted a notice to Selangor Speaker Lau Weng San regarding the unexpected vacancy of the Selat Klang state seat.

He said the notice was in line with Article LXVA (3) of the Selangor State Constitution 1959, which mandates the speaker to inform the Election Commission (EC) within twenty-one days upon receiving such notice.

Azmin referred to Article LXVA (1)(a)(i) of the Selangor State Constitution 1959, which states that a seat becomes vacant if an assemblyman no longer belongs to his or her political party.

"I informed the speaker of the status of Datuk Abdul Rashid Asari, who is no longer a member of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu), which renders him no longer the representative for Selat Klang in the State Assembly, and the seat should be vacated.

"The speaker was also informed that Rashid was notified on June 12 of the termination of his party membership with immediate effect as stipulated under Article 10.4 of the Bersatu Constitution.

"This is due to his non-compliance with the Bersatu supreme council directive under Article 10.5 of the Bersatu Constitution, issued on May 17," he said at a press conference at Wisma Dewan Negeri Selangor here today.

Azmin, who is also Bersatu Selangor chief said, he brought to the speaker's attention the Societies Act 1966, which states that the decision of a political party on the interpretation of its constitution, rules or regulations, or on any matters relating to the affairs of the party, was final and conclusive.

He urged the speaker to confirm the vacancy and notify the EC within the stipulated time to facilitate a by-election for the Selat Klang seat.

"Therefore, I urge the speaker to uphold and defend the Federal Constitution, the Selangor State Constitution 1959 and the laws of the country in carrying out his duties and functions under Article LXVA (3) of the Selangor State Constitution 1959," he said.

Rashid's party membership was revoked after he declared support for Selangor Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari.

When contacted, Lau confirmed receiving the notice and said he would review the documents submitted by Azmin.

"I will have to study the document first. At the moment I have nothing to say," he said.