Bersatu information chief Datuk Razali Idris appears to be nothing more than an empty vessel, said PKR deputy information chief, Razeef Rakimin. NSTP FILE PIC
Bersatu information chief Datuk Razali Idris appears to be nothing more than an empty vessel, said PKR deputy information chief, Razeef Rakimin. NSTP FILE PIC

KUALA LUMPUR: Bersatu information chief Datuk Razali Idris appears to be nothing more than an empty vessel, said PKR deputy information chief, Razeef Rakimin.

Razeef's comment comes after Razali's defence of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's claims regarding the Kelantan Syariah enactment Federal Court ruling on Friday ( Feb 9), which he says fails to make a valid argument.

Instead, Razeef added, the Terengganu exco could only resort to berating the Communications Minister, Fahmi Fadzil, who cautioned the Bersatu president for spreading false news on the issue.

"Razali also labelled Fahmi as an 'inexperienced minister, besides lavishing high praise on Muhyiddin by stating that the former prime minister was also a former deputy prime minister, former chief minister, and held several cabinet minister portfolios, further praising Muhyiddin as someone highly respected, principled, of integrity, truthful, and courageous.

"However, in Razali's statement, he did not provide any argument that what Muhyiddin said was correct to refute Fahmi's admonition, instead only scolding Fahmi and praising Muhyiddin.

"I am of the view that Razali is nothing more than an 'empty vessel' being kept by Muhyiddin," he said in a statement, here.

Previously, the Federal Court in a majority decision of 8-1 ruled that 16 provisions of offences under the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code (1) Enactment 2019 were null and void.


Following the decision, Muhyiddin later claimed that several acts contrary to Islamic law were no longer offences in Kelantan.

Fahmi, who is also the member of parliament for Lembah Pantai, then reprimanded the former prime minister for spreading fake news.


In defending Muhyiddin's actions, Razali, who is also the assemblyman for Kijal, slammed Fahmi by accusing him of being uncouth.

At the same time, Razeef said, Muhyiddin's allegations were indeed slander because federal law provides for much heavier penalties than Kelantan Syariah law.

On that basis, he said, he challenged Razali to repeat Muhyiddin's statement that offering up sexual services, being intimate or sex outside of marriage (berkhalwat), incest, and alcohol consumption were no longer offences for Muslims in Kelantan.

"Perhaps he was compelled to speak up after pressure from grassroots and Perikatan Nasional (PN) 'cybertroopers' for him to resign as the Bersatu information chief.

"Don't just make noise like an empty vessel just to save your own neck," he said.