Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor. - NSTP file pic
Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor. - NSTP file pic

ALOR STAR: Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor said the cabinet reshuffle failed to fulfill the unity government's commitment to trim down an inflated government.

Sanusi said the cabinet reshuffle had added to the series of undelivered promises made under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's administration.

"Attempts to downsize the cabinet were not delivered, free education promise remains unfulfilled, no reduction in fuel prices. All these are contradicting the spirited promises said during the elections.

"I recall it's not just a one-time thing during the last election. In many previous elections, promises were made, but all are 'dicapati' (undelivered)," he said in a press conference at Wisma Darul Aman here today.

Sanusi also said the cabinet reshuffle, which included the addition of five deputy ministers and ministers, was evident that the unity government is struggling.

"There are many (problems) with the former ministers. Even those who remain may not be functional. Those who are appointed are not guaranteed (to be functional) either," he added.

Commenting further, Sanusi claimed that the reshuffle was prompted by the demands of coalition parties forming the unity government.

"His (Anwar) position (as PM) depends on the support of coalition parties forming the unity government. Hence, those demands will be the main determinant of who and how many will fill the cabinet.

"In reality, the cabinet reshuffle is not based on competence or efficiency but rather to secure the PM's position," he added.

Yesterday, Anwar announced several changes in the federal cabinet lineup, resulting in 31 ministers supported by 29 deputy ministers, a slight expansion from the initial 28 ministers and 27 deputy ministers.

Meanwhile, on a separate issue, Sanusi challenged former DAP chairman Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang to stand by his recent controversial remarks on his 'Malaysian Dream' speech.

"If he dares, go ahead towards that direction, please. That's my response," he added.

Lim is under police investigation for his speech in England last month, where he said that the Federal Constitution does not bar any non-Malay from becoming Prime Minister.

He reportedly said he hoped that it wouldn't take 230 years for a non-Malay to have the opportunity.