Kedah Pas has asked members and supporters of the party to remain calm and not be influenced by emotions following a report that caretaker menteri besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor will be charged in court tomorrow. -NSTP file pic
Kedah Pas has asked members and supporters of the party to remain calm and not be influenced by emotions following a report that caretaker menteri besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor will be charged in court tomorrow. -NSTP file pic

ALOR STAR: Kedah Pas has asked members and supporters of the party to remain calm and not be influenced by emotions following a report that caretaker menteri besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor will be charged in court tomorrow.

State Pas commissioner Datuk Ahmad Yahaya said everyone must always obey the law and pray for Sanusi.

He said the legislative process should be carried out fairly with firm adherence to the principle of justice and free from political influence.

"Kedah Pas is aware that the menteri besar, who is also the state Perikatan Nasional chairman, will be brought to court tomorrow morning.

"The party adheres to the principle of 'innocent until proven guilty' which means that a person brought to court shouldn't be considered guilty until proven otherwise," he said in a statement last night.

Ahmad said Pas hopes everyone will pray for Sanusi to receive a fair trial throughout the legal process.

"In such situation, Kedah Pas will continue to extend prayers for Sanusi to be under the protection of Allah.

"Kedah Pas hopes party members and supporters will remain calm, not succumbing to emotions and abide by the laws." he said.