All candidates in the Umno election are reminded to adhere to the party’s election code of ethics in the effort to improve the party’s image. - BERNAMA Pic
All candidates in the Umno election are reminded to adhere to the party’s election code of ethics in the effort to improve the party’s image. - BERNAMA Pic

KUALA LUMPUR: All candidates in the Umno election are reminded to adhere to the party's election code of ethics in the effort to improve the party's image.

Election committee chairman Tan Sri Shahrir Samad said as leaders of a political party, candidates needed to understand and adhere to such regulations when it comes to the process of voting in new leaders.

"I must remind all candidates who offered themselves for posts at the wings-level, the divisional and national-level to understand Umno's code of ethics.

"It is not something extraordinary as it is similar to the restrictions and prohibitions imposed during any election under the Election Commission.

"That is why Umno leaders must understand these methods. The prohibitions and restrictions imposed during the general election and state elections, and they must be equally at ease with Umno's code of ethics," he told the Umno Online portal.

Shahrir said the party has given leniency for candidates to use social media and the Internet when offering themselves for posts or when they want to introduce themselves to the voting delegates.

He said this was similar to what the EC has allowed for any election candidate.

However, he said despite using such methods, all Umno election candidates must adhere to the party's regulations.

"The more we adhere to these codes of ethics, the easier it will be to produce a line-up of respected leaders who will give the party a good image," he said.