Lembah Pantai Puteri Umno chief Dr Masliha Harun.
Lembah Pantai Puteri Umno chief Dr Masliha Harun.

KUALA LUMPUR: Lembah Pantai Puteri Umno chief Dr Masliha Harun has announced that she will contest the wing's top post, which is now helmed by Datuk Zahida Zarikh Khan.

This latest development sees at least three candidates openly expressing their desire to vie for the wing's top post after Puteri Umno exco member Fadhwa Anuar and Puteri Umno secretary Nurul Hazwani Haslan, who is also Seputeh Puteri Umno chief.

Dr Masliha, who is also a Puteri Umno exco member, said in a statement that if given the mandate to lead the wing, she would achieve the "REVU" vision, which stands for rejuvenation, empowerment, voice and unity.

"The REVU vision is able to lead to inspiration and strength, not just for Puteri Umno but also the whole party.

"Politics now is dynamic, it used to be politics of service. We have to rejuvenate Puteri by attracting new young members more aggressively.

"I want to increase the Puteri wing's membership by getting all groups involved, from undergraduates to professionals and young women.

"Not only will it strengthen the Puteri wing, but my vision will also carry the voice of youths confidently to champion the economy, education and leadership for these groups."

Dr Masliha stressed that she planned to turn the wing into a one-stop reference centre for the generation of young women to air their views and issues.

She said there were many issues that could be championed by the Puteri wing, such as single mothers and those without an income, apart from the issue of violation and abuse of children.

"I also want to bring about unity and harmony in the party so that Umno can rise again. The party cannot be seen as split, disorganised and having factions. I want to unite each and every member to love and respect the party.

"We do not have to blindly follow leaders, but we must follow the party and its aspiration.

"If each member knows the aspiration and agenda of the party clearly, they will be more focused on being with Umno. It is important to cultivate a sense of identity among the members," said Dr Masliha, who is also Puteri Umno Vote 18 Action chief.

Masliha said she had prepared a primary plan to attract the target group to the party.

"It is not easy to manage and lead a party wing in a scenario where Umno has been defeated, and it is a challenge to regain the people's trust and confidence.

"The experience of being a Puteri member since 2002 is my shield for holding such a post and responsibility.

"I know we need to measure the clothes on our backs, but we were born in a time that made us the opposition. People ran away from the fight and joined other parties when we were no longer in government and had lost so badly. However, I still remain.

"I see this as a new opportunity. We lost again in the recent general election, but we are still part of the unity government. This is a chance for us to repair and rejuvenate the party."

Dr Masliha admitted that it took time to regain the people's trust in Umno and to restore the party's image and reputation, provided that the government remained stable and harmonious, and the economy continued to improve.

"Umno is steadfast with the agenda and aspiration to champion and fight for race, religion and country, which will be appreciated by the people."