All positions in Umno should be contested during the party’s next internal polls including the president and deputy president posts, Umno youth exco Datuk Muhamad Muqharabbin Mokhtarrudin said. - Pic courtesy of UMNO
All positions in Umno should be contested during the party’s next internal polls including the president and deputy president posts, Umno youth exco Datuk Muhamad Muqharabbin Mokhtarrudin said. - Pic courtesy of UMNO

KUALA LUMPUR: All positions in Umno should be contested during the party's next internal polls including the president and deputy president posts, Umno youth exco Datuk Muhamad Muqharabbin Mokhtarrudin said.

He said this following a recent rumour claiming that the two top posts would not be open for contest in the January party election.

Muqharabbin said based on a statement made by Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan on Dec 13, it appears that the rumour may become a reality.

He said the statement had hinted that the two posts would not be contested, adding that if this happened, it would only cripple democracy within Umno.

"This party does not belong to any family. This is a party with over three million members and therefore, such a thing must not be allowed to happen," he said in a statement today.

Muqharabbin who is also Umno Lembah Pantai youth chief said several statements made by party leaders had also indicated that they did not want the two top posts to be contested.

Should this happen, he said Umno would lose its direction and identity, adding that it would cause another dark episode for the party after its historic defeat in the 15th General Election.

"We didn't win big in GE15. Even if we had won, the two posts should still be contested.

"We hold party polls once every three years. The last was in 2018 when 150,000 delegates voted and chose their new leaders at the division and national levels.

"Before GE15 we said we didn't want to hold party polls to prevent division in the party and to focus on the elections. But now that the election is over, why can't we do party polls? When will we finally get to do this?"

Muqharabbin said if it was true that the president and deputy president posts would not be contested, other positions in the party too should get the same free pass.

He said Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was the first leader in many years who had allowed the top post to be contested in 2018.

"This proves that Umno is becoming more mature and democratic. There was no issue in 2018. Those who won were respected and those who lost remained loyal to the party.

"So, why should we move backward after already losing GE15? If anything, this shows that changes are demanded."