Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani arrived at Menara Dato Onn. - NSTP/EIZAIRI SHAMSUDIN
Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani arrived at Menara Dato Onn. - NSTP/EIZAIRI SHAMSUDIN

KUALA LUMPUR: Several Umno leaders were spotted arriving at Menara Dato Onn to attend the party's two high-level meetings today.

Among them were the party vice-president Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin and Supreme Council members Datuk Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh and Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani.

Also arriving at the party's headquarters were Sabah Umno chief Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin and Selangor Umno chairman Tan Sri Noh Omar.

Yesterday, the party's secretary-general Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan said the meetings are the immediate steps taken by Umno after the 15th General Election (GE15).

He said the first agenda of the day will be the party's political bureau meeting at noon, involving all Umno state liaison committee chairmen.

At 3pm, Umno will also hold its supreme council meeting.

Later at 8pm, Barisan Nasional will also hold its supreme council meeting.

As of 4.30am today, the Election Commission (EC) has declared the results for 219 of the 222 seats in the Dewan Rakyat.

Pakatan Harapan won 82 seats; Perikatan Nasional (PN) won 73 seats, while BN won only 30 seats out of the 178 it contested.

Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) won 22 seats; Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) won six seats; Warisan won three seats; Independents won two seats, and Parti Bangsa Malaysia (PBM) got one seat.