A smaller cabinet comprising competent, qualified and authoritative leaders will reduce government costs and more efficient. - NSTP file pic
A smaller cabinet comprising competent, qualified and authoritative leaders will reduce government costs and more efficient. - NSTP file pic

KUALA LUMPUR: Political and economic analysts believe a smaller and leaner cabinet comprising competent, qualified and authoritative leaders will make the government administration more efficient.

They believe several ministries should be combined to avoid duplication of jurisdiction.

This includes the Education and Higher Education ministries; the Environment, Water, Energy and Natural Resources and Science, Technology and Innovation ministries; Plantation Industries and Commodities and Agriculture and Food Industry ministries; and the Public Works and Transport ministries. They called for the National Unity Ministry to be abolished.

Nusantara Academy for Strategic Research senior fellow Dr Azmi Hassan said after the 15th General Election (GE15), cabinet members can no longer be chosen based on party quotas, gratitude or indebtedness, but instead based on the capability to carry out responsibilities effectively.

"The current large size of  (caretaker) Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob's cabinet was inherited from the administration of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

"The cabinet was filled based on gratitude for the parties that supported him and includes positions such as the prime minister's special ambassador to West Asia, China and East Asia.

"Some ministries have up to two deputy ministers to meet party quotas and some deputy ministers are not seen to be working.

"For me, one deputy minister is sufficient to help the minister, especially for important ministries.

"Some ministries don't even need a deputy minister because the minister is able to carry out his duties with the help of civil servants in the ministry."

Dr Ahmed Razman Abdul Latiff.`
Dr Ahmed Razman Abdul Latiff.`

Putra Business School economic analyst Associate Professor Dr Ahmed Razman Abdul Latiff said a smaller cabinet will reduce government costs, but members must be efficient and professional.

"Several ministries need to be merged because there is overlap in roles. Ministries like the National Unity Ministry needs to be abolished.

"The appointment of cabinet members must be based on ability and authority, not party representation."

The cabinet Ismail Sabri inherited has four senior ministers, 31 ministers and 38 deputy ministers.

On Tuesday, during the Ruang Bicara Khas: Stability and Prosperity programme that aired on several stations, Ismail Sabri pledged to reduce the size of his cabinet and appoint technocrats if Barisan Nasional wins GE15.