RSN Rayer. - NSTP file pic
RSN Rayer. - NSTP file pic

KUCHING: Former Jelutong member of parliament RSN Rayer has been barred from entering Sarawak, where is scheduled to speak at a ceramah in Batu Kawa tonight.

The Sarawak Immigration Department denied him entry upon arrival at the Kuching International Airport (LTAK) at 5 pm.

Sarawak Immigration Director Datu Ken Leben confirmed the ban on Rayer.

"He is not allowed to enter because he has been blacklisted by the state authorities since 2016," he said when contacted.

The DAP leader was scheduled to hold a talk together with the Pakatan Harapan (PH) Sarawak and DAP Sarawak chairman Chong Chieng Jen and DAP incumbent and parliamentary candidate for Bandar Kuching Kelvin Yii at the Batu Kawa DAP Service Centre.

A Sarawak DAP spokesman said left Penang at 3pm and arrived at LTAK at about 5pm. As soon as he arrived at LTAK, he was not allowed to enter by the immigration officer.

As a result, he said Rayer will leave Kuching for Kuala Lumpur on th 9 pm flight and later take another flight to Penang at 11.20pm.