United Sarawak Party (PSB) President Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh. - NSTP/MELVIN JONI
United Sarawak Party (PSB) President Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh. - NSTP/MELVIN JONI

SIBU: United Sarawak Party (PSB) President Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh has confirmed that he will contest the Sibu Parliamentary seat in the 15th General Election (GE15).

The Bawang Assan state assemblyman said the decision to contest in the seat was to fulfil the wishes of the party, which wanted him to contest in the constituency held by Oscar Ling from the DAP.

"They (party members) want me to run... they say as President, I should run.

"I have no choice but to lead PSB's struggle to Parliament even though I am too old for that," he said at a press conference after chairing the PSB Supreme Council Committee meeting here today.

Meanwhile, PSB Deputy President Dr Johnical Rayong Ngipa said Wong's nomination had been unanimously supported by the party's highest council members.

"Datuk Seri (Wong) is our party's confirmed candidate for the Sibu Parliament for the upcoming GE15," said the Engkilili assemblyman.

Meanwhile, Wong revealed that PSB may not contest in the Lanang parliamentary seat.

He said it was to give candidates from Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) an opportunity to compete in the seat held by Alice Lau, also from DAP.