PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (seated, centre) welcoming 20 young activists who officially joined PKR as members today. Among them are activists Adam Adli ( seated, right), Sarah Hadi and lawyer Asheeq Ali. - BERNAMA pic.
PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (seated, centre) welcoming 20 young activists who officially joined PKR as members today. Among them are activists Adam Adli ( seated, right), Sarah Hadi and lawyer Asheeq Ali. - BERNAMA pic.

KUALA LUMPUR: Former student leader, Adam Adli Abdul Halim was among 20 young activists who officially joined PKR as members today.

Two others who joined the party today were lawyer Asheeq Ali and activist Sarah Hadi.

The three of them represented the other 18 youths during an event held with the party's top leader today.

PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, in welcoming the trio at the party headquarters, commended their idealism and reform battles.

"Today's celebration of Malaysia Day is an extraordinary one....Please keep fighting in the political arena," he said.

Anwar said the inclusion of youth leaders into the party was important, and he urged the younger generation to continue fighting for what is right in spite of the country's political situation.

Adam Adli said it took him about 10 years to make the decision but it was one that was based on clear principles and goals.

"I was not forced to join the party, I joined because it is a multiracial party, although not perfect, but it had brought changes to the country.

"The struggle is still a long way to go, but there is a future we can ignite together, and there are changes we can fight for together," he said.

Meanwhile, Asheeq said it was a hard decision to jump into politics, but he believes it to be the best platform to highlight issues affecting youths in current times, such as suicide and unemployment.

"The youth's voice should not be isolated or ignored in politics," he said.