In a tweet, Pas secretary-general Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan said his party and Umno remain firm on their proposal for Parliament to be dissolved as a way to resolve the ongoing political turmoil. - BERNAMA pic
In a tweet, Pas secretary-general Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan said his party and Umno remain firm on their proposal for Parliament to be dissolved as a way to resolve the ongoing political turmoil. - BERNAMA pic

KUALA LUMPUR: Pas has maintained its call for snap polls and denied a news report that it is backing Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as their prime ministerial candidate.

In a tweet, Pas secretary-general Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan said his party and Umno remain firm on their proposal for Parliament to be dissolved as a way to resolve the ongoing political turmoil.

"The news report is not true at all. Pas and Umno are sticking to our call for Parliament to be dissolved.

"Any official statement (from Pas) will only be issued by the party president and secretary-general in writing," he added.

Earlier today, Pas deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man was reported to have said that the party had signed statutory declarations in support of Muhyiddin, who is Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia president, as the next prime minister.

In another statement, Umno secretary-general Tan Sri Annuar Musa also denied the news report and maintained the party's stand, together with Pas, in their proposal to the Yang-diPertuan Agong, for Parliament to be dissolved.

He also said official statements concerning Umno on the matter would only be issued by the party president and secretary-general.