Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali supporters also drove a point to ensure his unyielding political clout; a surprise screening of a video depicting Azmin's political struggles and successes including a "poignant" moment upon relinquishing his stay as the Selangor menteri besar. NSTP/RASUL AZLI SAMAD.
Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali supporters also drove a point to ensure his unyielding political clout; a surprise screening of a video depicting Azmin's political struggles and successes including a "poignant" moment upon relinquishing his stay as the Selangor menteri besar. NSTP/RASUL AZLI SAMAD.

MELAKA: The opening of PKR Youth and Women wings congress tonight was overwhelmed by scores of pro-Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali's supporters, subduing his rival camp's previous months-long blitzkrieg on the heels of a delicate truce forged between factions yesterday.

A number of Azmin's supporters were clad in red T-shirts where small letterings of "AA Team" were emblazoned on the right sleeve; it stands for "Team Azmin Ali", signifying their solidarity behind the party deputy president.

Earlier, Azmin's arrival gimmick caught the eyes of all party members as he rode a trishaw, chauffeuring his staunch allies vice-presidents Tian Chua and Zuraida Kamaruddin in yet another show of confederacy.

One of his harshest critics during the rescinding of Azmin's invitation to open the wings' congress, PKR Youth chief Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir, appeared to have relented and welcomed his boss to the event, albeit in a dispirited disposition.

Yesterday's truce saw Azmin back on the roster to open the wings' congress.

His supporters also drove a point to ensure his unyielding political clout; a surprise screening of a video depicting Azmin's political struggles and successes including a "poignant" moment upon relinquishing his stay as the Selangor menteri besar.

In his speech later, Azmin, however, refrained from firing salvos against his detractors and reminded the importance of party "kinship".

"I’d like to stress here that the name of the party is People’s Justice Party - a vehicle for our struggles to fight for the people’s rights.

"Each one of us in this hall has our own role in enhancing the party."

He reiterated that the party was not formed by or belonged to an individual.

“PKR was not built by one individual because all of us are the fighters.

“To all the Women and Youth (members), renew your spirit, be steadfast and purify your intentions.

“A new dawn is coming. This is our defining moment. To be or not to be, that is the question,” he told the delegates at the Malacca International Trade Centre in Ayer Keroh here.

Azmin told party leaders to stick to the party’s original ideals and principles to overcome crises and misunderstandings.

“At the moment, PKR’s unity and our kinship are being tested. We are facing a real test.

“We will be facing 7.8 million new voters in the next general election.

“We have proven that every differing view between us can be resolved based on the spirit of unity, brotherhood and mutual respect."

The rift between Azmin and party president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been ongoing for the past several months, resulting in the former to skip party meetings.

Recently, PKR saw the sacking of several party leaders and members said to be on Azmin’s camp, leading to a protracted row with Anwar's men.

To ensure a stronger Pakatan Harapan, Azmin said PKR must be the coalition's driving force.

“PKR must remain Pakatan Harapan’s Rock of Gibraltar for stability and durability.

“Working hand in hand with all our partners in this formidable coalition, we will continue to strive for progress and reform for the nation."