Barisan Nasional candidate Ramli Mohd Nor (right) says he kept to himself during the Cameron Highlands by-election campaign period so as not to fall into his political foes' trap. - NSTP/ABDULLAH YUSOF
Barisan Nasional candidate Ramli Mohd Nor (right) says he kept to himself during the Cameron Highlands by-election campaign period so as not to fall into his political foes' trap. - NSTP/ABDULLAH YUSOF

CAMERON HIGHLANDS: Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate Ramli Md Nor revealed today that he kept to himself during the Cameron Highlands by-election campaign period so as not to fall into his political foes' trap.

He denied that he was campaigning under the radar and choose not to respond to queries from members of the media because he did not like the media but to prevent issues from arising due to excessive verbal engagement.

“I kept quiet most of the time, so as not to fall into the trap of foes,” he said.

“Some were saying that I was not good in verbal engagements, I would like to refer to the Malay proverb – the more you talk, the more nonsense you do (lagi banyak kita bercakap, lagi banyak kita akan buat hal).

“It’s not that I do not like the media … What was my previous job before this ? As a police officer, I provided media reports and others," he told reporters after visiting the polling centre at Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Menson, here, today.

Ramli added that he was indeed a local resident in the constituency, but did not vote in Cameron Highlands in the 14th General Election (GE14) as he had cast his ballot paper at his working address which was in Kuala Lumpur.

Commenting on the campaign period and what was the most obvious personal change he went through, Ramli said it had to be his lack of sleep.

“The most obvious was the lack of sleep, maybe due to exhaustion, I have also lost several kilogrammes of weight,” he said.