Former Puteri Umno chief Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin handed over her membership form to Bersatu chairman Tun Mahathir Mohamad today. (NSTP/ASYRAF HAMZAH)
Former Puteri Umno chief Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin handed over her membership form to Bersatu chairman Tun Mahathir Mohamad today. (NSTP/ASYRAF HAMZAH)

KUALA LUMPUR: The Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) has welcomed yet another new member. This time, it’s former Puteri Umno chief Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin.

The Masjid Tanah Member of Parliament handed over her membership form to Bersatu chairman Tun Mahathir Mohamad today.

Mas Ermieyati said her decision to join the party was to find a more effective solution in protecting the interests of rakyat, especially the voters in her constituency, Masjid Tanah.

“InsyaAllah (God willing), I hope I can work together with Bersatu as a party component in the government in implementing the agenda to empower young women, as well as being more open to championing the fate of youth so that they can experience a better life, and also in creating a brighter future for Malaysia.

“I would like to thank my friends in Masjid Tanah, Melaka and all over the country who have helped me throughout my journey as an MP.

“I also would like to thank Bersatu chairman Tun Mahathir and the party leadership for accepting me,” she said in a statement today.

She also expressed hope that the new Malaysia would create a more matured and inclusive politics, while putting governance and integrity as priority.

She said it’s about time that everyone, regardless of political views, should find a common ground for the sake of the rakyat.