(File pix) Wanita Umno chief, Datuk Noraini Ahmad. Pix by Edmund Samunting
(File pix) Wanita Umno chief, Datuk Noraini Ahmad. Pix by Edmund Samunting

KUALA LUMPUR: Wanita Umno has to lodged 191 police reports against Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department P. Waytha Moorthy following allegations that he, via a video clip, had tarnished Malaysia’s image.

Wanita Umno chief, Datuk Noraini Ahmad, said the wing would not compromise on the issue, saying that Waytha Moorthy, who is also Hindraf chief, had made statements which were seditious, inflammatory, insulting and inciting hate against the previous Barisan Nasional (BN) government.

She said the police reports were lodged at various district police headquarters nationwide.

“Wanita Umno wants Waytha Moorthy to be investigated under Section 4 of the Sedition Act 1948 or any related acts.

“At the same time, we are also urging him to resolve the issue concerning the possible ratification of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), which has given rise to polemic and controversy.

“Wanita Umno is of the opinion that the ICERD issue raised by the Unity and Social Well-being Minister has caused a rift among the people of this country,” she said in a statement on Friday.

Noraini also said that Waytha Moorthy’s claims of discrimination against the Indian community in Malaysia during the BN administration had ill-intentions and defamatory in nature.

“In the video, he also portrayed Malaysia as having committed a serious breach of human rights.

“He had also claimed that 10,000 temples had been allegedly destroyed, and that the rights of non-Malays and non-Muslims in Malaysia had been denied; this could cause tension between the races and threaten national security,” he said.