(File pix) Kedah PKR Chairman, Dr Azman Ismail said they understood the difficulty faced by the JPP until they had to cancel the party polls in the state.
(File pix) Kedah PKR Chairman, Dr Azman Ismail said they understood the difficulty faced by the JPP until they had to cancel the party polls in the state.

ALOR STAR: PKR’s election committee (JPP) needs to provide an explanation over the cancellation of the party’s election process in Kedah.

The cancellation affected 49,924 party voters who were eligible to cast their votes in the polls which was supposed to take place on Saturday (Sept 22).

Kedah PKR Chairman, Dr Azman Ismail said they understood the difficulty faced by the JPP until they had to cancel the party polls in the state.

The incident he said should serve as a lesson to all.

Dr Azman adds that the JPP needs to explain to party members the reasons behind the polls cancellation, this was despite detailed preparations being undertaken by all quarters.

“I believe the JPP did not take the decision (to cancel polls) lightly. In fact, we understand the difficulties faced by them.

“It was a tough decision to take, nevertheless party members need an explanation, as nearly all of them were present to cast their vote,” he said.

Last night, JPP secretary, Ismail Yusof announced that the election process at all PKR divisions in Kedah as being cancelled.

This was after only three out of the 15 state divisions managed to conduct party polls through the e-voting system.

Ismail was quoted as saying that the decision was taken after taking into account the objection from party members and other problems faced on voting day.

Meanwhile, Perlis PKR wants the party to revert back to the previous manual voting system.

The e-voting system which was introduced this year raised doubts among party members said Perlis PKR Chairman, Mohd Faisol Abdul Rahman.

He said the weakness in the system caused panic to set in party members, sparking dissatisfaction in Kedah and Penang.

“I expected it (voting problems) to take place. We had conducted a dry run before this and problems cropped up but it could not be resolved.

“Those who introduced the system should take responsibility. To develop such a system you need then necessary experience and expertise.

“The shortcomings caused disharmony among the party members,” he said.

To overcome the problem, Faisol suggested for the system to be reviewed by engaging a company which is more qualified to handle the e-voting system.

He adds that if the existing problems associated with the e-voting system could not be resolved, then the party should revert back to the previous manual system of marking on a ballot paper.

Faisol apologised to all Perlis PKR voters over the postponement of party polls in the state.