(File pix) Kedah Pas Commissioner, Dr Ahmad Fakhruddin Fakhrurazi (right). Pix by Danial Noordin
(File pix) Kedah Pas Commissioner, Dr Ahmad Fakhruddin Fakhrurazi (right). Pix by Danial Noordin

ALOR SETAR: Kedah Pas Commissioner, Dr Ahmad Fakhruddin Fakhrurazi, has hit out at the state Amanah chairman, Datuk Dr Ismail Salleh, saying that the statement made by the latter on the appointment of the state legislative assembly Speaker issue was speculative and childish.

He said Dr Ismail, who had among others accused Pas of being power crazy, did not have full understanding of the current situation in the state.

Although unusual, Fakhruddin said Pas’ recommendation to have its leader appointed as the Speaker “was not entirely impossible”, considering Pas had won 15 state seats in the 14th General Election (GE14).

Pakatan Harapan (PH) won 18 seats and formed the state government, while Barisan Nasional won three seats.

“Dr Ismail should show that he has a big heart and demonstrate the openness of PH leadership by giving the Speaker position to Pas that holds 15 state seats.

“It would not affect the state administration as the current positions such as menteri besar and state executive councillors comprise of PH assemblymen.

“Ismail is a seasoned leader but his recent statement was emotion-driven and immature. The act of accusing Pas showed that he was being unprofessional in managing politics in Kedah.

“The accusation of Pas being power crazy by anticipating a state election was baseless as it would depend on the discretion and recommendations made by Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir to Sultan of Kedah,” he said in a statement today.

Fakhruddin said the state constitution must be used as the fundamentals in resolving the issue, instead of causing confusion and suspicion among the people.

He said it was unfair to place the pressure on Pas when the party had suggested a solution through the establishment of coalition government in Kedah.

“Dr Ismail did not understand the concept of coalition government when he asked Pas to put it in practise in Kelantan and Terengganu.

“Is he aware of the fact that Pas has enough majority to rule the states without creating a coalition government?,” he said.

NSTP today reported that Dr Ismail, who is the state information, health, and rural development committee chairman had accused Pas of being power crazy by continuing its argument on the state Speaker issue.

Pas Deputy President, Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man had on Saturday said the party would be prepared for any eventuality including a state election.