Perlis Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim right) announced that Tambun Tulang assemblyman Datuk Ismail Kassim (not in pic) has been nominated for the Menteri Besar post. However, Shahidan’s deputy Datuk Seri Azlan Man, says he is not aware of the nomination. NSTP pic.
Perlis Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim right) announced that Tambun Tulang assemblyman Datuk Ismail Kassim (not in pic) has been nominated for the Menteri Besar post. However, Shahidan’s deputy Datuk Seri Azlan Man, says he is not aware of the nomination. NSTP pic.

ALOR STAR: While Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim has made it clear that no Barisan Nasional elected representatives are crossing over to Pakatan Harapan, trouble is brewing over the appointment of the state Menteri Besar.

Matters came to a head yesterday when Shahidan, who is Perlis BN chairman, announced that Tambun Tulang assemblyman, who also happens to be his younger brother Datuk Ismail Kassim, has been nominated for the Menteri Besar post.

It turned out that Perlis BN deputy chairman, Datuk Seri Azlan Man, who is also the Menteri Besar in the past term, was in the dark over the decision.

Azlan was caught by surprise when contacted by the NSTP for reaction on Shahidan’s announcement.

“I am leaving it to the Palace to decide on the Menteri Besar post because it is the prerogative of the Perlis Ruler.

“At the moment I am not aware of the nomination of Datuk Ismail Kassim (for the Menteri Besar post),” he said.

Azlan, who won the Bintong state seat in the 14th General Election (GE14) said he was not informed on Ismail’s nomination.

He also brushed off rumours that either he or Shahidan had met with Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to discuss getting the BN Perlis’ elected representatives to cross over to Pakatan Harapan.

Earlier, Shahidan told a press conference at the Sultan Abdul Halim Airport here that BN had agreed to nominate Ismail as the new Perlis Menteri Besar.

Shahidan claimed that Ismail’s nomination has been received the support of majority of BN elected reps in Perlis.

He added that he had submitted a letter to notify the Raja of Perlis, Tuanku Syed Sirajuddini Syed Putra Jamalullail at 11.30am on Saturday.

“The palace will decide on the date for the swearing in ceremony,” he said.

Asked on why Azlan was replaced and whether the latter agreed to the decision, he replied: “BN made the decision, so we expect all the BN reps to support the decision.”

In GE14,, Perlis BN had retained 10 out of the 15 state seats in Perlis, allowing the coalition to form the state government.

Despite having the most number of seats, BN has yet to nominate its Menteri Besar candidate.

It is speculated that the nomination of the new Menteri Besar has been dragged following a dispute between the Shahidan-led faction and another faction of elected representatives led by Azlan.

In the press conference, Shahidan also denied that BN elected representatives in Perlis would defect to PH.

“We won a two-third majority in the state legislative assembly, compared to PH with three seats and Pas with two seats, so why should they cross over?” he said.

Shahidan also said speculation that he was leading the BN elected representatives to leave the party as BN Perlis expected to face trouble getting support from the PH Federal government, “was not an issue”.

“Who are they to speculate about this funding issue? They should not comment on matters that they have knowledge of.

“I am among those well-versed on the relationship between Perlis and the Federal government; Perlis has no financial problems.

“In fact I am known as the person who has been looking after the welfare of the people in Perlis, so we will move on and to fulfill our manifesto for the state,” he said, while thanking the voters in Perlis for returning the mandate to BN.