(File pix) Sabah Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Youth chief Youth Chief Tsang Hieng Yee. (Pix from Wikipedia Commons)
(File pix) Sabah Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Youth chief Youth Chief Tsang Hieng Yee. (Pix from Wikipedia Commons)

SANDAKAN: Sabah Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has welcomed Sabah Barisan Nasional’s call to have more young leaders as candidates for the coming 14th General Election.

LDP Youth chief Youth Chief Tsang Hieng Yee, throwing support behind the call made by Sabah BN youth chief Yamani Hafez Musa, said the move is apt given that young Malaysians currently form 40 per cent of the electoral roll.

Young leaders, he said, not only share the same wavelength with younger voters, but can also serve as good messengers to deliver the people’s voices to the BN leadership, especially in areas which involve information technology.

“LDP Youth strongly supports the proposal by Sabah BN Youth, which had been relentlessly campaigning for opportunities to be given to BN Youth to be a part of Sabah and Malaysia's governance.

“There are many talented young leaders from Sabah who are highly qualified, eager to serve, dynamic, energetic and creative,” he said.

Tsang added that a balanced mix of between young and experienced leaders in the government is important as it allows for the effective passing down of knowledge, skills and experience.

“BN would be a complete and all-round political party that could deliver (its promises) to Malaysians of all age groups, backgrounds and walks of life,” he said.