Xiaofang (a pseudonym) met the love of her life while volunteering at a retirement home in Hebei Province. - Screenshot via News18
Xiaofang (a pseudonym) met the love of her life while volunteering at a retirement home in Hebei Province. - Screenshot via News18

KUALA LUMPUR: The unconventional romance between a 23-year-old woman and an 80-year-old man she met at a nursing home has sparked controversy in China.

Xiaofang (a pseudonym) met the love of her life while volunteering at a retirement home in Hebei Province. There, she befriended 80-year-old resident Mr. Li (also a pseudonym), discovering a shared passion for many interests and hobbies.

According to a Chinese news portal, Xiaofang was drawn to Mr. Li's maturity, stability, and wisdom, and Mr. Li, captivated by her youthful vitality and kindness. Over time, their friendship deepened into romance despite Xiaofang family's strong disapproval of the relationship due to the vast age difference. She was determined to continue with the relationship and cut ties with her parents to be with Mr. Li.

Based on reports from Sohu, a Chinese website and search engine, the couple held a modest wedding ceremony without family present, exchanging vows of commitment in both sickness and health.

Their union has ignited a heated debate in China, with many sympathizing with Xiaofang's family, while others admire her bravery and dedication to Li.

Some speculate Xiaofang's motives are financial, but she is actually the primary breadwinner, as Li relies on a modest pension. Xiaofang is responsible for most of their living expenses due to Li's age and frailty.

Despite facing significant challenges, Xiaofang remains optimistic, confident in overcoming obstacles with Li's support. She actively shares their life together on social media, showcasing the genuineness of their relationship.'