Malaysians are advised to be cautious about consuming dates filled with butter excessively, as it could pose health risks rather than benefits. FILE PIC
Malaysians are advised to be cautious about consuming dates filled with butter excessively, as it could pose health risks rather than benefits. FILE PIC

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysians are advised to be cautious about consuming dates filled with butter excessively, as it could pose health risks rather than benefits.

According to a Facebook post by Public Health Malaysia, butter is high in calories and saturated fat, with one date equivalent to one spoonful of rice.

"Although dates contain various nutrients, essential minerals, and fibre, combining them with ingredients like butter and consuming them in large quantities may do more harm than good.

"While occasional consumption for taste is acceptable, frequent and excessive intake is not recommended for health."

Yesterday, social media was awash with images of dates topped with a sliver of butter as Malaysians discovered the new food combination.

In his Facebook post, influencer Rizal Hakimm suggested removing the seeds from the dates and placing butter in the centre.

He said almonds, pistachios, or cashews can also be added for extra flavour.