In a statement today, the ministry said a safety note on such meals should also be included to say that they must be consumed within four hours after they were prepared. -NSTP PIC
In a statement today, the ministry said a safety note on such meals should also be included to say that they must be consumed within four hours after they were prepared. -NSTP PIC

KUALA LUMPUR: People who make food donations must ensure that the meals are safe to consume, as well as include information, such as the date and time of cooking, and the expiration date, the Health Ministry said.

In a statement today, the ministry said a safety note on such meals should also be included to say that they must be consumed within four hours after they were prepared.

"The Health Ministry takes note of media reports on the rise in food safety issues in food donated to welfare homes and tahfiz centres, which have led to food poisoning cases as reported in 'Harian Metro', on June 18.

"We (the ministry) view this issue seriously and hope all parties involved in the donation and receiving of meals will ensure food safety to prevent food poisoning cases from recurring.

"The ministry, through the Food Safety and Quality Programme, continuously strengthens food poisoning prevention controls at every stage of the food chain, including by developing the Food Bank Safety Guidelines, which outline the guidelines for preparing safe and high-quality meals for donation purposes."

They said the guidelines provided donors and recipients with instructions on the proper handling procedures for donated food.

Donors must ensure that recipients receive prior information about the food to be donated and that it is handed over directly to the recipient, said the ministry.

"Recipients should record information about the food they receive and ensure that it is in good and safe condition.

"Practice the "Look, Smell, Taste" method upon receiving food. Recipients have the right to reject food if it is spoiled, improperly packaged, lacks information, or has been prepared for more than four hours," they said, adding that recipients were advised to consume donated food immediately.

The Food Bank Safety Guidelines can be downloaded from the Food Safety and Quality Programme website at