Datuk Mustapha Sakmud (left) with PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar (centre) and Sabah Pakatan Harapan chief Datuk Christina Liew (second from left) at the PKR 25th anniversary celebration at Sabah International Convention Centre. - NSTP/MOHD ADAM ARININ
Datuk Mustapha Sakmud (left) with PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar (centre) and Sabah Pakatan Harapan chief Datuk Christina Liew (second from left) at the PKR 25th anniversary celebration at Sabah International Convention Centre. - NSTP/MOHD ADAM ARININ

KOTA KINABALU: Non-citizens should not be involved in issues that are close to the hearts of the people of Sabah, a federal deputy minister said.

Datuk Mustapha Sakmud was referring to a rally at Menara Kinabalu on Friday, where nine undocumented people were detained by the police.

They were among scores of others — including students and community representatives — participating in the #KamiMahuAirSabah demonstration.

"I was surprised when I read the news. The head of the students admitted it, indicating that those people are stateless and not illegal migrants," said the deputy higher education minister.

"I did not expect this to happen. I had explained earlier, we have to be rational about the issue.

"We are not stopping them from demonstrating. But we should not bring non-citizens into the struggle of the people of Sabah," he told the media after Parti Keadilan Rakyat's (PKR) 25th anniversary celebration at Sabah International Convention Centre here.

Present were PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar and Sabah Pakatan Harapan chief Datuk Christina Liew.

Mustapha, who is also Sabah PKR chief and Sepanggar member of parliament, said that water supply has always been a struggle for the people of Sabah.

"Many of our people want us to fight for this right. And I have the opportunity to hear from the students.

"But I reject any attempt by the student group, non-governmental organisations or any party to involve non-citizens in the struggle.

"I want the people of Sabah to reject in the upcoming state election any party that gets non-citizens involved in this issue."

Mustapha also spoke on Sabah Pakatan Harapan's choice of candidates in the election.

He said that although it could make decisions on this, it would still take into account everyone's opinions.