The cemetery where Rusdee Awae was shot by two masked men on motorcycle. - NSTP/SHARIFAH MAHSINAH ABDULLAH
The cemetery where Rusdee Awae was shot by two masked men on motorcycle. - NSTP/SHARIFAH MAHSINAH ABDULLAH

KOTA BARU: The family of defence volunteer Sergeant Rusdee Awae who was shot by two masked men while visiting his father's grave in Jarapae, Yala in April, is seeking justice for his death.

His family said they could not forget the attack on Rusdee.

The 43-year-old widower was shot twice on the back of his head in the 6.30am (Thai time) incident.

Recalling the incident, Rusdee's brother, who wanted to be known only as Sakree, said he and Rusdee went to the cemetery in Kampung Carok Pae after performing Subuh prayers together.

"We walked to the cemetery, which is 50m from our home, to visit our father's grave. Our father Awae Dareng, 83, died on April 13 due to asthma.

"There were many people at the cemetery when we arrived there as it was the sixth day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

"Many were offering prayers to their family members who have died.

"While sitting close to the grave, l heard a loud bang coming from behind and many people started screaming.

"I then saw my brother, who was sitting behind me near a hut, fell on the ground in a pool of blood.

"At the same time, l saw two masked men escaping from the scene on a motorcycle," said the 47-year-old at his home in Kampung Pawang, Yala.

With the help of other villagers, Sakree said they rushed Rusdee to a nearby hospital but he was pronounced dead on arrival.

"It was a double mishap for our family. Firstly, our father died and four days later, Rusdee was killed and this happened when we were still celebrating Aidilfitri.

"We have accepted this as a test from God but we just want those responsible for shooting my brother brought to justice," he added.

Meanwhile, Than To district police chief Colonel Thanapol Yaowapat said initial investigation revealed that Rusdee was shot using 11mm and 9mm revolvers.

"Police have yet to identify the two suspects but we will not hesitate to seek the assistance of our Malaysian counterpart if the two had escaped to the country," he added.

He also believed that the suspects were from the anti-government groups and had targeted the uniform bodies as their victims.

Yala Islamic Religious Council assistant president Dr Ibrahim Yanya said local community has condenned the attack, which happened in cemetery.

"Whatever the motive and reason behind the killing, this cruel attack should not happen while Muslims are celebrating Aidilfitri," he added.